an interdisciplinary performance series of new works by ARCTIC COMPANY and guest artists
Created by Icarus.Mid.Air for Polar Bear Plunge: Nightmares
OCT 22 - 2016
Hosted by The Guy Who's Here to Speed Date But Doesn't Know He Just Died. Featuring Creekside Drive by Charlotte Arnoux, Silence 1 Crane by Icarus.Mid.Air (Cristian Marianciuc), What's Next? by Victoria Giambalvo (performed by Nancy Quintana), Then Something...? by Florence LeBas and Emily Krause, Monologue by Juliana Philippi, and Before We Were Human by Ran Xia
DEC 10 - 2016
Hosted by Adrian Burke
Featuring Battle and Doubt (Rap battle by Jordon Waters and Adam Bourque), King Me (by Victoria Giambalvo, performed by Charlotte Arnoux and Ran Xia), Man From Michigan (by Jake Beck, with Serena Berman, Trey Fillmore, and sound by Adrian Bridges), Fire Hazard (Origami & Video by Cristian Marianciuc aka Icarus.Mid.Air based in Maldova), Out In The Woods Now (by Ran Xia, performed by Victoria Giambalvo, Christopher Erlendson, and Harrison Wilkie), A Monologue For Feeling A Little Bad (by Charlotte Arnoux, performed by Florence LeBas), Sonar by Sean Jenny, and Curtains Catherine Spino
FEB 11 - 2017
Hosted by Ran Xia
Featuring Hey (original song by Charlotte Arnoux), How A Bully Saved My Life (Storytelling by Esther Ko), Drum (Spoken word poetry by Lawrence Dreyfus), An excerpt from UPROOT by Julia Levine featuring Peyton Lustig, Morgon Russell, and Ian McNeely, Motown Baby and a brand new song written for Promises (by K. Sloan), EscarNOt (by Jake Geary), A Story About Mother and Daughter (by Monica Trausch featuring Sharlee Taylor and Jenna Krasowski), Protest Notes from the Past and the Present (by Kelly Teaford), and Fates & Bodies by Emily Krause
APRIL 2 - 2017
Hosted by Charlotte Arnoux
Featuring Blank by Victoria Giambalvo, Painted Blue (No One Ever Wins The War) by Ran Xia, "First Apartment in NYC Story" by Adrian Burke, DABDA by Jake Geary, Daphne (excerpt) by Alice Pencavel, [Work in Progress] project by Kelly Teaford, Lillies by Hanan Mahbouba, spring poems ("Poem for Spring", "Who Lived Here Before Us?", & "Elegy for an Activist") by Monica Trausch, Portrait of A Female Nude by Catherine Spino, and The Attempt by Katie Vincent.
JUNE 4 - 2017
Hosted by Victoria Giambalvo
Featuring Chili by Icarus.Mid.Air (Cristian Marianciuc); Recipe Collage by Dennis Yueh-Yeh Li; A teaser from Pomegranate by Ran Xia; Crave by Alisa Zhulina, Jell-O & America, Three Stars by Broken Box Mime Theater; The Skin I'm In by Jenna Krasowski; A song about eating a tofu baby inspired by Sarah Kane's Blasted by Mike Puckett; Tell Me by Katie Vincent; and a monologue by Marcus Crawford Guy.
AUGUST 6 - 2017
Hosted by Florence LeBas
Featuring Eagle Warrior by Ryan Victor Pierce; Eulogy 2059 by Marcus Crawford Guy; Sunburn by Haley Riemer; I Am Richard Prince by Candice Lam; Excerpt from Dear Else (or Postcards from The Blue Rider to Jusef, Prince of Thebes, 1912 - 1913) by Ran Xia; Cerulean by Sean Devare, The Minnesota Goodbye by Max Henry, "The Peanut's Monologue" from Julia Levine's Uproot, Welcome to America by Jenna Krasowski, Coffee Catch Ups by Marissa Rutka, and paint jokes from Florence Le Bas.
OCT 22 - 2017
Hosted by Florence LeBas
Featuring Drip, Drip, Drip, Bitch by Priyanka Voruganti; A Blue Horse In Space by Ran Xia; The Cats by Victoria Giambalvo; When Our Voices Fail Us We Will Find New Ways to Sing by Robert Gonyo; Homo Sapiens by Chantal Bilodeau; #apocalypsenow by Jordan G. Teicher; Morbid Obesity Surprise Intervention Birthday Party by Amy Gijsberg van Wijk; Bloom by Laurence Dreyfuss; A movement piece by Yael Nachajon; Coquí by Caitlin Ronan; and excerpts from The Tooth Puller by The Department of Fools